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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Virtual Restaurant ?
Virtual Restaurant is a form of restaurant business with food delivery outlets through online channels, interconnected to partnered restaurant kitchen. Aiming to jointly enhance the potential and usage of both raw material management and the kitchen's capacity and resources.
CHIM GLOBAL consists of many food delivery brands. We emphasize on Thai and Asian flavors that is popular with many customers, and remains constant trend in the market.
How much does it cost to start up ?
Our restaurant brands have low start-up costs. We currently offer no entrance fees from CHIM GLOBAL to start selling food under our various brand names.
How are payments made for our restaurant partners ?
CHIM GLOBAL will summarize your income and closing balance for you every week. After all balances have been concluded from our food delivery partners is finished. Subjected amount transfer payment will be made to our restaurant partners no later than 7 working days after finalizing and closing the balance each week.
If the city I live has special regulations for commissions on food delivery ?
If there is a charge or additional discounts arising from the laws of the state where you do business, CHIM GLOBAL will report to you of this information. The supplied information is for your best interest, before deciding to apply to become a partner with us and during the operation with us
Can Food Truck partner with CHIM GLOBAL ?
CHIM GLOBAL welcomes food truck operators if you have a relatively stable location to sell and can receive orders through online channels. This also includes cooking and controlling the quality of both taste, appearance and cleanliness to be within rules and regulations of state laws and of CHIM GLOBAL.
How do taxes work ?
The collection of taxes is in accordance with the rules of food delivery in cooperation with food delivery and our partnered distribution providers.
Do I have to source new ingredients and materials for food brands partnering with CHIM GLOBAL ?
In many brands from CHIM GLOBAL, if you are a Thai and Asian restaurant, you can start now without the need to procure new raw materials or procure additional raw materials only a small amount to start selling with our food brands.
How do I receive orders for these brands ?
You can connect our brands with your restaurant immediately through the order receiving machine at your store or through other online channels that are convenient for you to receive food orders.
Increase your restaurant revenue with CHIM GLOBAL
We are ready to connect our food delivery brands with your kitchen. Offering you more opportunities in driving more revenue and better efficiency in managing in kitchen raw materials.
If you are interested in partnering your kitchen with us at CHIM GLOBAL
By submitting the form, you have confirmed, read, and agreed upon our terms of service.
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